Thursday 28 November 2013

University Life and Advice

I am in my first year at university, currently staying in halls of residence, however they are off-site, which means I am further from university but closer to shops, bars and clubs. WAHAY!

The city is a really great size and very quaint. The picture below is a dramatic image of Canterbury Cathedral which I get too see every day, and my flat mate Anna gets to hear every morning when she doesn't want to wake up! 

Currently there are a lot of tourists around but with the cold weather coming in fast, it will probably start to get quieter soon. I've included a few pictures of the streets near my accommodation and the square which is by the entrance of the Cathedral. 

You have all the normal high street stores in Canterbury, however being on a student budget I've only been browsing. But on a more positive note christmas is only another 26 days away!


What made you choose Canterbury Christchurch University?
The main factor was the course it had all aspects of business that I like; Public Relations, Marketing and Media. I am starting to realise that Marketing is an area that I am finding hardest and boring at the moment because of the module. I also chose Canterbury as the city is a perfect size, I didn't want to go to a massive city. There are lots of pubs and enough shops to keep me satisfied until I come home or decide to go on a spontaneous trip to London. I'm also planning on going to Paris for a weekend away with a few friends, so will keep you posted!

Was is difficult making new friends?
Honestly, I was a nervous wreck before I came to uni, "Would my housemates like me?", "Would I like my housemates" etc. But thanks to good old Facebook, I spoke to all of my housemates before I came to Uni. I am staying in student accommodation that had its own Facebook page this is where I started talking to people in the summer, this was really helpful. Therefore I instantly knew everyone in my house when I arrived. Although I did have to ask Anna who she was as she didn't look like her Facebook profile picture ha! 

What are you finding hard about University?
The main thing is the deadlines, you complete one then you must automatically start another! It's especially difficult for me as I took a gap year, where the hardest thing I had to cope with was deciding what program to watch on the Sky+ Box.

What are you missing most from home?
My double bed (single bed here in my accommodation), a Bath (I have reserved the bath on my return for a long overdue bubble bath!), and of course my family! Being a 4 hour car journey from home means I haven't gone home once this term! Therefore this christmas is going to be extra special!

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