Thursday 28 November 2013

My Favourite Christmas Adverts!

I might be the only person in Britain to say this but.. I LOVE CHRISTMAS ADVERTS IN NOVEMBER! But by the time it gets to December, I am sick of them as I have watched them so much! They make me feel so Christmasy. I think my housemates are sick of my christmas spirit already and we aren't even in December yet!

Here are a selection of past and present christmas adverts that I love!
Harvey Nichols- [2013] "Sorry I spent it on myself"

An unusual twist for christmas very cleverly done!
John Lewis- [2011] "For gifts you can't wait to give"

I cried the first time I watched this! I thought the boy was going to be a spoilt brat but then boom HE BREAKS YOUR HEAT! 

Boots- [2011] "Brought to you by the girls"

Of course my Mother is one of these girls! I love the song in the background

Irn Bru- [2006] "The Snowman"

Irn Bru's christmas advert, they don't usually do christmas adverts but this one is brilliant!


Coca-cola- "Holidays are coming"

Christmas wouldn't be christmas without Coca-Cola's Advert!
So what's your favourite christmas advert? Have I missed it out? Leave a comment!

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