Friday 29 November 2013

PR Show London

The front of my business card
I went to the PR Show 2013, which was a great opportunity to meet people in the Public Relations Industry for the first time! Before you go to any show/event I recommend getting a business card. I bought 100 cards for £16.99 from instaprint, I designed my card by myself. However if you go onto a website they usually have templates. I think they look great!

During the event I went to a talk called Bloggers Truth. The speakers were Jody Thompson, the Huffington Post, Susanna Scott from BritMums, and Emily Johnson, Fashion Foie Gras. The talk itself wasn't very long but I found out some new information about blogging and interaction which was interesting and relevant to my course. 

If you have the opportunity of going to any shows related to your course I would highly recommend it. Although I am only in my first year, I got to speak to people in the industry that I want to work in! They offered me advice and guidance positively because I hate it when I feel like a burden asking people questions. Scarily one lady told me I HAD to get a 2:1 no ifs, no buts! 

I'm hoping to receive some help from a recruitment agency called F1 recruitment regarding a summer placement in summer 2014 so will keep you posted!  

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