Friday 29 November 2013

University VS Gap Year

I'm bias with this subject, since I took a gap year. But if you are thinking about going to University then I'm not trying to make you take a gap year, just have a little think before hand.

Originally I was suppose to go to University of Lincoln to study Business Management in Sep 2012, however during the summer I thought the course would be completely wrong. This is when I decided to take a Gap Year, where I had to decide "my future" < dad would be proud of me for saying that!
I'm not going to lie, seeing all my friends go to University was tough. I was very emotional for about a month! Then I knew I had to snap out of it and get on with my gap year!

A few of my friends took a gap years to go travelling:

tumblr (butlercat)

If you want to go to Australia be prepared to spend a lot of money! Originally I went to STA Travel to possibly go travelling during Summer 2013. IT WOULD HAVE COST £5500!

tumblr (lost-in--reality)

This was travelling around Australia, New Zealand with a pitstop at Dubai, if anyone was interested... I now understand why people travel round Asia, its a lot cheaper!

If you are thinking about travelling, here are a few website that I would look at:

Get a Job!:
Yes, for one year I became an adult and working full time doing 12 hour shifts for 6-7 days a week at John Lewis! The people I worked with were amazing, the experience and knowledge I gained was fantastic. It helped me mature and finally decide that I really wanted to go to university

(tumblr Karlyville)
This was honestly my Dad, when he found out I made a decision about university

Orignally I was working so much to go travelling. Then travelling was so expensive I decided I would go to Camp America, however I then got an....

Internships are a great way of finding out about an industry you may possibly want to work in whether it is paid or unpaid. The websites I have provided also contain work opportunities abroad, which would be A-maz-ing! However I did an internship in a marketing department in Cheltenham which made me decide that I wanted to do a Marketing degree.

What I'm trying to say is Uni is a big decision, so don't rush your decision!
1) Make sure you're 100% sure about the course! You will be at uni for 3/4 years. There are assignments, its not only about partying and socialising.
2) Don't go because your friends are going! Be an individual, if you want a job that doesn't need a degree, then what's the point?
3) You grow up a lot at uni; you must cook for yourself, you must clean the kitchen (I was going to say you must clean ha!), there are deadlines, and you miss your family!
4) MONEY MONEY MONEY, the average student debt in the UK could hit £53,000

I wish everyday could be a shopping day... I dream, I wish, I want!!

PR Show London

The front of my business card
I went to the PR Show 2013, which was a great opportunity to meet people in the Public Relations Industry for the first time! Before you go to any show/event I recommend getting a business card. I bought 100 cards for £16.99 from instaprint, I designed my card by myself. However if you go onto a website they usually have templates. I think they look great!

During the event I went to a talk called Bloggers Truth. The speakers were Jody Thompson, the Huffington Post, Susanna Scott from BritMums, and Emily Johnson, Fashion Foie Gras. The talk itself wasn't very long but I found out some new information about blogging and interaction which was interesting and relevant to my course. 

If you have the opportunity of going to any shows related to your course I would highly recommend it. Although I am only in my first year, I got to speak to people in the industry that I want to work in! They offered me advice and guidance positively because I hate it when I feel like a burden asking people questions. Scarily one lady told me I HAD to get a 2:1 no ifs, no buts! 

I'm hoping to receive some help from a recruitment agency called F1 recruitment regarding a summer placement in summer 2014 so will keep you posted!  

Thursday 28 November 2013

University Life and Advice

I am in my first year at university, currently staying in halls of residence, however they are off-site, which means I am further from university but closer to shops, bars and clubs. WAHAY!

The city is a really great size and very quaint. The picture below is a dramatic image of Canterbury Cathedral which I get too see every day, and my flat mate Anna gets to hear every morning when she doesn't want to wake up! 

Currently there are a lot of tourists around but with the cold weather coming in fast, it will probably start to get quieter soon. I've included a few pictures of the streets near my accommodation and the square which is by the entrance of the Cathedral. 

You have all the normal high street stores in Canterbury, however being on a student budget I've only been browsing. But on a more positive note christmas is only another 26 days away!


What made you choose Canterbury Christchurch University?
The main factor was the course it had all aspects of business that I like; Public Relations, Marketing and Media. I am starting to realise that Marketing is an area that I am finding hardest and boring at the moment because of the module. I also chose Canterbury as the city is a perfect size, I didn't want to go to a massive city. There are lots of pubs and enough shops to keep me satisfied until I come home or decide to go on a spontaneous trip to London. I'm also planning on going to Paris for a weekend away with a few friends, so will keep you posted!

Was is difficult making new friends?
Honestly, I was a nervous wreck before I came to uni, "Would my housemates like me?", "Would I like my housemates" etc. But thanks to good old Facebook, I spoke to all of my housemates before I came to Uni. I am staying in student accommodation that had its own Facebook page this is where I started talking to people in the summer, this was really helpful. Therefore I instantly knew everyone in my house when I arrived. Although I did have to ask Anna who she was as she didn't look like her Facebook profile picture ha! 

What are you finding hard about University?
The main thing is the deadlines, you complete one then you must automatically start another! It's especially difficult for me as I took a gap year, where the hardest thing I had to cope with was deciding what program to watch on the Sky+ Box.

What are you missing most from home?
My double bed (single bed here in my accommodation), a Bath (I have reserved the bath on my return for a long overdue bubble bath!), and of course my family! Being a 4 hour car journey from home means I haven't gone home once this term! Therefore this christmas is going to be extra special!

London's Calling!

Last weekend I went to London to see some friends. London is such a great city any time of the year, but at christmas it's extra special! Here is a list of the top things I would do in London at Christmas!

Well it is Winter and its a wonderland if you go and see it! For free admission this wonderland has a Christmas market stalls for you to browse round. The stalls are European so you can get German Beer, Belgian Chocolates, and French Crepes, all in the same place! I bought a faux fur headband which kept me warm during the winter weather and it was only £8! They also a fun fair rides, which I have to admit were expensive, but looked fun, so you could always go on just one ride to save the pennies! 

You would be mad to go shopping down their a week before christmas but in early December it's a fantastic spot for you to get some christmas presents with all the high street shops located here! Oh, and let's not forget SELFRIDGES!


My favourite department store in the whole world and located perfectly on Regent Street. The stores has English charm and character, the tudor building with wooden lifts and staircases makes the whole experience different from your normal, modern, department store (sorry John Lewis). Their Christmas Department is amazing, especially if you go after sunset, they have fairy lights across the ceiling which looks so pretty! If I was going to buy a mulberry bag If I could afford a Mulberry bag, I would purchase it at Liberty's! 


I have already mentioned Selfridges, but you HAVE to go just to see the shop christmas shop windows! Forget the shopping that I can't afford in Selfridges, I spent 15 minutes looking at their windows fascinated!

 The play-dough was my favourite window! GET TO OXFORD STREET!


This slightly hidden gem, is located near Regent Street and Oxford Street! This street had one of my favourite christmas decoration. They used little robins hanging up across the street that twist and turn! I highly recommend looking at them, even if its not to shop. Carnaby Street became famous in the 'swinging 60's' when many independent boutiques opened! Although it may not be swinging any more we are still a very fashionable nation, so if you want to see independent stores but also stores like Jack Wills, Benefits, etc GO GO GO Here!

It's christmas, the one time of the year where we are able to fall on our arses on ice and not have a care in the world! Christmas isn't Christmas without going ice skating once, and if I hear anyone say anything different then Bah humbug to you! Last weekend I went to Somerset for a skate, with my fur headband in tow. For £10 < (student rate 13:45pm session hint hint normally £16!) it was a cheap and fun afternoon! However if you are in London you can go to a number of places.

Ice Skating in London: (Always check online you may find the prices are cheaper if you pre-book)

My Favourite Christmas Adverts!

I might be the only person in Britain to say this but.. I LOVE CHRISTMAS ADVERTS IN NOVEMBER! But by the time it gets to December, I am sick of them as I have watched them so much! They make me feel so Christmasy. I think my housemates are sick of my christmas spirit already and we aren't even in December yet!

Here are a selection of past and present christmas adverts that I love!
Harvey Nichols- [2013] "Sorry I spent it on myself"

An unusual twist for christmas very cleverly done!
John Lewis- [2011] "For gifts you can't wait to give"

I cried the first time I watched this! I thought the boy was going to be a spoilt brat but then boom HE BREAKS YOUR HEAT! 

Boots- [2011] "Brought to you by the girls"

Of course my Mother is one of these girls! I love the song in the background

Irn Bru- [2006] "The Snowman"

Irn Bru's christmas advert, they don't usually do christmas adverts but this one is brilliant!


Coca-cola- "Holidays are coming"

Christmas wouldn't be christmas without Coca-Cola's Advert!
So what's your favourite christmas advert? Have I missed it out? Leave a comment!